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Noobmonkey/Curata Empty Noobmonkey/Curata

Post  Noobmonkey Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:33 am


I recently stumbled across your website after perusing the website, searching for a 10man raiding guild which is my preference. You came across on the site as the best 10 man raiding guild there is, and although I am perhaps being somewhat arrogant, it sounds like somewhere somewhat suited to me. However, first, some information about me is in order.

I have been playing WoW for a substantial amount of time, starting off first on my paladin, Talador, before re-rolling to a warlock called Nemethir and taking him up to 60 instead. This was on the realm of Aggramar. Upon hitting level 60 I managed to get myself a place in the number one guild on the server which was called Unseen Legion. I joined them at a time when MC was the pinnacle of raiding, although sadly they already had it on farm. It was my first raiding experience and was rather a rude awakening to how poor I was in comparison. After a short while of farming gear, consumables etc, I soon got into the swing of things, and remained with the guild up until Naxx40, just before TBC hit. During this time, however, I had also dabbled with a priest, Noobmonkey, and rather enjoyed myself running raids on our 'days off'.

When TBC hit, I re-rolled to my priest and formed my own guild, Relentless Chaos. This was to take a more casual place due to everything I had going on irl at the time, and we managed fairly slow but enjoyable progress up to gruul. Although we weren't a high progression guild, the members we have were awesome, and we became firm friends till this day. A year into TBC though, I had more time to raid and dissatisfied with the way things were, we moved to Mazrigos and re-rolled to horde. Here I levelled my warrior, Noobmonkey, to level 80, and managed to jump up fast through the raid content until I joined Immortality, one of the top guilds on the server. I experienced Black temple, and Sunwell to some extent. Sadly Sunwell led to the guilds demise after a merge gone wrong, and so due to the close proximity of WOTLK, I re-established Relentless-chaos with my friends from Aggramar, and we set ourselves up to become a 10 man raiding guild.

When wotlk hit we met with initial success, clearing naxx in a relatively short time, and when Ulduar hit we made a start there. We were short of healers so I voted to power-level a priest and get him geared asap, leaving my tanking job to another warrior instead. Although tanking I must say is very entertaining, healing is also something I am a huge fan of. Its always different, and you have to work together with your other healers to a far greater degree than other roles having to work together.
Unfortunatly we never quite lived up to the progress that some of us truly wanted (hard modes etc) and ultimately it was decide that it was probably best to leave things finally at Yogg-Saron. Although in pains me to leave behind good and valued friends, I was quite lucky in that most of our raiding squad all live in the same city I do, which makes me happier to consider migrating.

1. Name of character

Curata (If I transfer will go back to Noobmonkey, my fav. name :p)

2. Class

Blood-elf Priest

3. Age


4. Armory Link
and my warrior:

5.Desired Spec and your Dual Spec

My main-spec to this point has been dicipline, and would preferably be my main-spec going forward. Currently my off-spec is set up as shadow, focused on raiding. However my shadow gear is not exactly the best, certainly there is a lot of room for improvement. DPS, however, has not been my focus for a long time.

6. Raiding Times Available

I can raid most days from around 19:00 game time onwards, sundays are the only real exception where I might struggle to get back before 19:30-20:00 game time due to constraints placed by my job.

7. With loot so easily acquired nowadays, and the need for the certain class set ups being diminished every patch, 'the player' is fast becoming the number one factor that is looked at when considering an application. A brief explanation of who you are, what you bring to a raid, the guild and your general attitude somewhere around here would be great

Well, at the beginning of my post I detailed a brief history of my raiding, so there isn't a huge amount to go into. However, you can be rest assured that I am always playing to the best of my ability, searching for ways to improve even more, and seek progression and entertainment more than ilvl of loot. I have a rather sarcastic sense of humor, and am not offended by typical raid banter. I can give as good as I get, but I know when to shut up and listen. Above all, I am loyal. Every guild I've been in, I was in until they disbanded. Its not particularly my style to abandon those who assist me in finding entertainment from the game. I am also a member of the Grammar police. Sorry!

8. Why Saoirse?

Because you appear to be the foremost 10 man raiding guild in the world. Whilst I am not arrogant enough to presume to be the best thing to happen to WoW, I do believe that there is nothing wrong with reaching for the stars.

9. What is your previous raid experience?

As detailed at the top of my post, I have currently raided every piece of content blizzard has made on at least one of my characters.

10. Previous Guilds

Again, detailed above, but here is the shortlist:
Unseen legion (Aggramar)
Relentless Chaos (Aggramar)

HSBC/British Beef (mazrigos) Levelling guilds Smile
Yoyoyo (Mazrigos)
Maleficus (Mazrigos)
Immortality (Mazrigos)

Relentless Chaos (Mazrigos)

(11.) AMG BONUS QUESTION FOR EXTRA POINTS! Anything else you would like to add?

Obviously armory etc only provides but a glimpse of the person, I am more than happy to come online and have a chat with any of you should you want. Obviously I am a highly motivated individual even contemplating transferring to your realm to play with you guys, so just let me know if you need to speak to me and I'll see about popping on your server. Also thanks to Lekuri for allowing me to pester him/her in-game today enquiring about the guild.

I understand as well that you are on some sort of a raiding break which is just fine by me, I don't expect to jump straight into raids anyway, and it would give me time to get to know people which is always a good thing. Also I am not a fan of 25mans so will avoid them like the plague! but as I understand it this is a 10 man guild so it shouldn't be a particular problem.

Last of all, a technical consideration. I am a Mac user, not a foaming at the mouth die-hard fanatic, but a Mac user nonetheless. Therefore with regards to voice coms, I can only use servers currently running the Speex codec, as GSM isn't supported on the mac client just yet. Obviously this is easy to change, but best to bring to your attention while we are here Smile

Thanks very much for your time, and I eagerly await your response.



Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-07-25

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